Generated: May 31, 2024

Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring Bulletin

DRAG LAKE - FMZ 15 - 2018-2024

Drag Lake facts

Location: Dudley
Surface area: 1003 hectares
Maximum depth: 55.5 metres
Average depth: 20.1 metres
Water clarity: 4.8 metres

Monitoring activities

Fish netting - yes
Fish contaminants - yes
Zooplankton - yes
Water chemistry - yes
Bathymetry - no
Water temperature/dissolved oxygen - yes
Aquatic invasive species - yes

Netting summary

Netting period(s): June 27 to July 7 2023
Number of net sets: 33
Number of fish species caught: 8
Fisheries management zone highlighted Figure 2. Map of Ontario with FMZ 15 highlighted Lake Image Figure 1. Outline of Drag Lake

About Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring

The Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring program collects information from representative lakes in fisheries management zones across the province to help biologists manage our fisheries effectively. This bulletin provides a snapshot of recent monitoring activities and netting results. The sampling approach allows us to measure and evaluate the health of Ontario’s lakes and their fish communities, and track changes through time over broad areas of Ontario. To learn more about the sampling program visit Methods for monitoring fish populations.

Fish netting results

Fish populations were surveyed using large and small mesh nets to provide information on fish species present and their characteristics, such as growth, age, and abundance. The catch data (depicted in the chart below) show that 6 species were surveyed in large mesh nets. Additional fish species observed in small mesh nets were Bluntnose Minnow and Pumpkinseed.
Fish species Total 
Rock Bass 46 22.3 10.1 16.0
Yellow Perch 19 24.4 15.1 18.9
White Sucker 18 51.4 30.6 41.4
Lake Trout 9 60.8 34.6 44.8
Smallmouth Bass 6 41.8 20.6 33.0
Cisco 2 38.7 36.5 37.6

Proportion of fish caught in large mesh nets

Pie chart showing species catch proportions

Length distribution of Lake Trout

Length distribution chart of Lake Trout caught in large-mesh nets Catch results are presented in 10-cm length intervals, labelled with the lower limit (e.g., the "20 cm" interval represents fish between 20 cm and 29 cm). The size of Lake Trout ranged from 34 to 60 cm.

Length distribution of Smallmouth Bass

Length distribution chart of Smallmouth Bass caught in large-mesh nets Catch results are presented in 10-cm length intervals, labelled with the lower limit (e.g., the "20 cm" interval represents fish between 20 cm and 29 cm). The size of Smallmouth Bass ranged from 20 to 41 cm.

Water chemistry and temperature

Water temperature, oxygen levels, and water transparency were measured in June 2023. The graph shows the temperature of Drag Lake with increasing depth. The temperature at the surface was 23.4 degrees Celsius and declined to 4.9 degrees Celsius at the bottom of the lake. Temperature by depth line graph

Aquatic invasive species

Field crews searched for aquatic invasive species. Zooplankton samples are being processed to determine if any new invasive species are present. Any species new to Ontario or an invasive species that is a new record for a waterbody is reported to the Invading Species Hotline (

Fish contaminants

Levels of contaminants in fish flesh (e.g., mercury, PCB’s, mirex, organochlorine pesticides, and other organic chemicals) will be reported in: The Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish.
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